College Coaches

See our rankings and scouting reports.


College Coaches join now for continuous access to rankings across 4 classes and scouting reports for every ranked player. Plus monthly emailed reports.


NCAA Division I coaches are permitted to subscribe to this service for Men's Basketball. To confirm approval, NCAA compliance officers and coaches may find this service on the list of approvals linked below. This link requires an NCAA login and is not available to the public. Https://
This recruiting/scouting service has been approved in accordance with NCAA bylaws, policies, and procedures. NCAA Division I football and/or basketball coaches are permitted to subscribe to this recruiting/scouting service.


1 Year Subscription

With your 1 year web access, you gain access to all Premium Content on the Chicagoland Prep Hoops scouting service website.

Premium Content Includes:

  • Access to all player rankings across 4 classes
    • See who’s ranked where in all our class-specific Chicagoland Prep Hoops rankings.
  • Access to scouting reports for every ranked prospect
    • Reports cover strengths, weaknesses, overall game, projection, and other thoughts!
  • And 12 emailed reports (monthly).


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$200.00 USD / Yearly (recurring charge, for ongoing access)
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